Relish the Benefits of Our Ukraine VPS Server Hosting Plans Services

Ukraine VPS Server Hosting is now a standout amongst the most trustworthy server providers in the country. It is the perfect hosting solution for individuals or small-sized businesses, which is affordable and flexible. It provides high-level redundancy so that you don’t need to purchase any additional hardware when there is high traffic on your website.

Onlive Server offers cheap Ukraine VPS with up to 4×2.5 GHz processor to process the huge amount of data, up to 16 GB RAM and up to 300 GB HDD to store a large amount of data. Our monthly Ukraine VPS server hosting price starts at just $13 which is very much affordable for you. Based on your business needs, you can find the necessary VPS hosting configuration perfect for your business.

Ukraine VPS server hosting

You can experience following features with our Ukraine VPS server hosting company.

Individuality: We offer individuality to each and every customer and due to this, all applications and software can be run independently over your own operating systems without getting uninterrupted by the other users’ applications.

Unlimited Bandwidth: We provide you unmetered bandwidth facility for your server so that you can easily increase traffic on your websites.

Regular Data Backups: We provide a timely data backup facility which means backups are performed automatically for your VPS server. Due to automatically data restoring facility, there is no danger of data loss due to any unexpected power crashes.

Fast and Secure: We offer faster, reliable and secure hosting services for our customers as the resources are shared in a parallel manner with all the other customers’ websites. It is available absolutely at a minimal price.
Unbeatable Customer Service:

With our Ukraine VPS Server Hosting Provider, we are committed to providing terrific customer service 24*7. Our team keeps track of your server all day and night and solve your encountered issues instantly without letting you know of it. In case you face any server related issue, you can simply reach us via email, telephone or live chat support.

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