How to install MySQL DB in fresh CentOS 7 for Beginner – Onlive Server

MySQL is a popular database management system used for web and server applications. Today each and every application need database to run their project, so each and every application data are synchronized from their Database. There are different-different databases (MySQL, mongo dB, Maria dB) library, so today we will install MySQL DB in fresh Centos Server.

This video describes how to install MySQL in fresh Centos 7 Server. In this tutorial, we will install all require package for MySQL as well as its dependency.
So look this video at last step and comment there, if you face any issue regarding MySQL or any other.

Step of MySQL Installation:-
1. Yum installs
2. Yum repolist enabled | grep "mysql.*-community.*"
3. Yum install mysql-community-server
4. systemctl enable mysqld.service
5. systemctl restart mysqld.service
5. systemctl status mysqld
6. mysql_secure_installation
7. MySQL -V

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